Just 2 Hours?
Pretty impressive given that it was composed in 2 hours. Overall I must say this is very well mixed. I really enjoyed it. You have very good mixing and production values and I am digging the choice of synths.
As this is a work in progress, I hope you don't mind my chipping in some constructive feedback. The first thing I would suggest is variance. I love the main progression, it's very catchy. But the song would benefit from some variance in the parts. For instance switching up the drums or slightly altering some of the chords every now and then. Another area for improvement would be adding heavier bass. I feel like this song could use some extra bass.
Other than that I think this is well on its way to being a great song. Please let me know when this is finished. I would like to hear it. Oh, and if you don't mind, could you possibly take a listen to my newest track? I need some constructive criticism myself. Thanks.